Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Things are not always what they seem. Job search lessons -

Things are not always what they seem. Job search lessons - How about a deviation from the norm for a Friday? My brother shared this fun video with meSince I have this habit of viewing everything through the lens of a career coach, job search advice writer/blogger, of course, I think there are some messages(What we used to call salient points when I was at Columbia.) 1. Things arent always what they seem at first. (Watch the video, youll see!) The career message? Keep in mind when you apply for a job that you may need to think more broadly about the opportunity. The lesson may be that a job is better than you thinkor that it is worse! 2. If you go to the site and read the comments, theres another career lesson. People reacted very differently to this video. Many thought it was cute, some focused on the fact that the commercial ruins it (this version is without the ad), others point out details you may not have noticed. (For example, there are two kids who hide under the table at the beginningThen, the table goes up with the back wall! Did you notice the flying people at the end? The eccentric grandma figure in the chair on the side?) Some seemed disgusted by the fact that it is fake; others said, fake, but cute. Career tip: everyone reacts differently. Your resume? Show it to 10 people, you can get 15 opinions. Create a video resume? Some will like it, others may hate it. What should you do in response? Do what you can to demonstrate the best you have to offer. Solicit opinions from people you trust, but recognize that some people have more informed opinions about what may work best in the market today. In the end, it is up to you to share your pitch, a story that is about you that you are proud to share. Maybe you are willing to take a risk to be edgy or even cutting edge. Maybe not. Its your story, your choice. Watch the video. Let me know what you thinkand if you agree that there are some job hunting lessons embedded! picture from Thomas Hawk

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